Men's bathrobe

Zeus would have dreamt of it! An exclusive gorgeous Armani bathrobe! Softness and warmth are released by the terry fabric, the color enhances the manliness, perfect to go out the bath. > Read more

A tone on tone wide waistband fastens the waist and incite to unknot it. At the back, brand logos bring an ultimate luxury touch. Some touches spread on the sleeves come reveal the elegance of the men's bathrobe. The enveloping hood dries and keeps warm the still humid scalp. It has a perfect cut, precise finishing touches, and a high end quality that means resistance.
Men will appreciate to wear it on Sunday mornings, as well as after the evening shower. Comfortable, sexy, and protective at the same time, the men's bathrobe is the perfect accessory for the rest of the modern and trendy warrior you are. At home or in the hammam and sauna zone of the sports hall, it provides a Greek gods look to all men.

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